Lawns and Plant Beds

Drought Alert: June 2023

Our section of Kane County is currently under a moderate drought alert. Lawn grass is turning brown and the plant beds require watering. Homeowners should note the following from the HOA covenants and by-laws:

SECTION 4.4. Watering. The Association shall have the right, but shall not be required, to water any grass, landscaping and plant materials located on Common Area or within any Dedicated Rights-of-Way. All watering on any Lot shall be provided by the Owner thereof. 

SECTION 12.1. Covenant to Maintain. Each Owner, his heirs, successors and assigns, hereby covenants and agrees at all times to maintain his Lot, and the Unit constructed thereon, in a neat and proper condition and to perform all necessary repairs thereto, to the extent not provided for by the Association pursuant to this Declaration. The foregoing shall include the duty of each Owner to water the landscaping on such Owner's Lot, as provided in Section 4.4. The Owner of each Lot shall be solely responsible for all repair and replacement of lawn, plants, shrubs and other landscaping, which were damaged or died due to the failure of the Owner to adequately water his Lot.